Kid-friendly program in New York? The Central Park Zoo!

Urso polar no zoológico do Central Park

By Beatriz Tasso Fragoso, special contributor

Yeah, yeah, I know: this blog might seem too cool to be covering something so mundane as a zoo. But hey - most of us do have kids and do have to bring them with us to New York once in a while, right? So think no more: just go to the zoo in Central Park. It's blissfully close to everything in the UES and Midtown, and though small, will keep the wee ones entertained for a good 2 or 3 hours. They even have a polar bear and a few tigers! Err... leopards, I mean. The zoo is located on the East Side, at around 66th Street. More detailed info on the official website.
Leopardo no zoológico do Central Park